1.1 Voyager 3 Copyrights

Voyager has been designed, developed and written by Oliver Wagner, who, and at all times, remains the exclusive copyright holder. Co-development of Voyager by David Gerber.

   Voyager v3 and related mcc's.
   © Oliver Wagner 1995-1999
   All Rights Reserverd
   This documentation by Chris Wiles
   ©1999 Chris Wiles
   All Rights Reserved
   Voyager Installer Script
   ©1995-1999 Robert C. Reiswig
   All Rights Reserved

   Bookmarks.mcc, Listtree.mcc and Busy.mcc
   ©1996-1999 Klaus Melchior
   All Righs Reserved. Distributed with permission.

   Tearoff.mcc, CompactWindow.mcc
   ©1999 Szymon Ulatowski

   ©1999 Simone Tellini

   Voyager Button Images
   ©1996-1999 Various
   All Righs Reserved. Distributed with permission.

   Voyager Next Generation Logo Animation
   ©1999 Jason Murrary
   All Righs Reserved. Distributed with permission.

   ©1991-1999 Stefan Stuntz
   All Rights Reserved.

1.2 License and Distribution Agreement

The producer of this software will grant the Licensee a limited, non-exclusive right to use the product and it's associated files on a single machine. The producer will offer a special identification file (called the key file) to the Licensee subject to payment as specified within the registration documentaton. This key file will enable the Licensee to fully use the product package according to the terms of this license.

The product is provided without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including without limitation any implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to use, results and performance of the product is assumed by the Licensee and should the product prove to be defective, the Licensee assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or other remediation.

No part of the Voyager archive may be distributed except with the entire contents of the original archive. The Voyager archive may not be changed in any way.

Voyager may not be distributed in any other form without written permission of the author. This includes distribution of Voyager v2 for any commercial purposes or financial gain.

In no event shall the producer of this product or it's resellers be liable for any property damage, personal injury, loss of use or other indirect, incidental or consequential damages, including without limitation, any damages for lost profits, business interruption or data which may be lost or rendered inaccurate, even if the producer has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

This agreement shall exclusively be governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.

1.3 Thanks to..

Olli would like to thank all those involved within the development of Voyager. See the About Voyager for information.